Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Romans 8:22-25 Advent Devotional

Advent Devotional for Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Week 2: HOPE

We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now; and not only that, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, we also groan within ourselves as we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we were saved. Now hope that sees for itself is not hope. For who hopes for what one sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait with endurance.

Romans 8:22-25

July 2, 1996 came and went. The phone rang incessantly. “Is the baby here yet?” “No, not yet.” It was hot, I was swollen, and my ankles were stuffed sausages ready to burst open. Didn’t this baby know that I lived by a calendar? Didn’t he know that I intentionally set the birth date to be such that I would maximize my summer off of work? Didn’t this baby know that I had to be ready to go back to work when school started in the fall? I was tired of being huge. I was tired of being swollen. And I was tired of being pregnant.

If normal wombs are the Holiday Inn for babies, mine was the Ritz Carlton. This child did NOT want to come out. My obstetrician said (on the day AFTER my due date, mind you), “there is nothing going on.” AAAAHHHH!!!! On top of it all, my doctor was from an older generation that didn’t believe in inducing me too soon. Therefore, I had to wait until I was two weeks over due before I would be induced. Joy. As Romans 8:22 states, “we know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” Believe you me, I was groaning alright.

Be patient. Yeah, right! I am not a patient person by nature. I am a planner. I am a doer. I am not good at sitting around waiting for things to happen to me. I like to make things happen! This baby was teaching me a huge lesson. I had to be patient. I had to let God decide when this baby was coming. And boy was I getting a huge lesson in patience. We were blessed that we did not have to wait long to get pregnant. We hoped to get pregnant, and boom! there we were. The hope that we had for this baby was immense. We waited. Patiently. Camden Michael was born two weeks past his due date. He was beautiful. “But if we hope for what we do not have yet, we wait for it patiently.” Romans 8:25. I can imagine Mary looking at her own beautiful son with the hope of the world on his shoulders. What do you hope for? Are you willing to wait for it? For in this hope we are saved.

By Nicki Stacey, Director of Counseling

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