Friday, April 3, 2009

We have much to be thankful for at Saint Martin!

We have not blogged for a few weeks and lots of great things have happened during that time!

  • Senior Renee Makupson received the Morrill Multi-cultural Scholarship from The Ohio State University. This scholarship will cover FOUR YEAR'S TUITION. Congratulations to Renee!

  • Five of our young women were recently selected to receive the Thea Award sponsored by the Diocesan Office of African American Ministry. These students are:

    Samantha King
    Chelsea Murray
    Sunni Wenson
    Tyler Hughley
    Ariel Powell

    Below are the criteria used for selecting recipients for this award as well as a short biography of Sr. Thea Bowman, for whom the award is named.

    Criteria: The “Thea” Award will be given to women in the African American Community who have provided strong and effective leadership and service. Award recipients foster educational opportunities, demonstrate strong personal faith and compassion for others, and have an intense interest in encouraging Black Catholic identity. They continue to dedicate their time and talents to evangelization efforts in the African American community and are concerned with and sensitive to the social teachings of the Church.

    Biography: Sister Thea Bowman, a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, lived life with hope, love and justice for all people. A tireless advocate, Sister Thea always educated and preached about the need to break down racial and cultural barriers. Her spirited presentations combined singing, gospel preaching, along with prayer and story telling, inspired all to live deeply the Christian values of justice and peace. Through her teaching, she was described as a “soul liberator, a mind liberator”. Thea also used music as an important part of her ministry. Sr. Thea died on March 30, 1990 of cancer.

  • Junior LaDonna Duncan has been accepted to the Stephanie Tubbs Jones’ Summer Legal Academy. This program will take place on the campus of Case Western Reserve University and is sponsored by the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association.

  • Sophomore Angel Caban-Alvarez was accepted to the Learning About Business summer program at Lake Erie College.

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